
Precision, solidity, 100% watertight welded joints, absence of bumps, perfect finishes and suitable packing... These are all the requirements of the sector that PMI has a perfect handle on. Hoods, protective casings, cabinets, covers, mounts, brackets, and assemblies composed of different materials are just some of the products we manufacture.

We manufacture complete assemblies including metallic structures, and plastic structures and walls. We assemble electronic circuits, and different elements such as plexiglass panes, joints, cabling and other elements for electric testing.

We work with galvanized sheet metal, copper, aluminium and plastics. We listen to the needs and concerns of our customers and users to provide them with our know-how and proven expertise in the manufacturing and assembly of parts, assemblies and sub-assemblies for use in the electronics sector. Thanks to our experience in the sector, we can also provide you with advice and recommendations on how to select material, treatments, and finishes based on use, purpose and requirements specific to the product and its environment.